| Hotel Sommer

Our favourite excursions for the whole family

Time for an exciting excursion in the Tyrolean Zugspitz Arena!

Around the Zugspitze

Hiking, climbing and cycling: There's nothing you can't do around the Zugspitze. But there are so many more experiences to be had on a summer holiday with the family! How about a trip to the highest suspension bridge in the world? Or to a real princess castle?

Here are our favourite excursion destinations for the whole family - straight from the Zugspitz Resort.

Die Hängebrücke Highline179 im Tibetstyle Kinder am Sebensee

Of knights & princesses!

Let's start with an absolute highlight that you can't miss when you pass by the Zugspitze. For a few years now, the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in existence has spanned the valley in Reutte. The highline179 connects mountains! The bridge, which is somewhat reminiscent of old suspension bridges in Tibet high up in the Himalayas, stretches over 400 metres. When you're standing up there, it's important to have a head for heights, because at a height of 114 metres your knees can start to shake!

Right next to the bridge you will find the fascinating Ehrenberg Castle World, where you can follow in the footsteps of knights and damsels from the Middle Ages. In the museum you can learn a lot of interesting facts.

Schloss Neuschwanstein im Sommer

A journey through time

History can be really exciting! Only a short hour's drive from the Zugspitz Resort you will find Neuschwanstein Castle and Linderhof Castle. They are both located in beautiful Bavaria, nestled between rolling hills and lush meadows and almost directly on the sparkling blue Chiemsee.

On a tour of the huge castle grounds, the castle staff will not only tell you incredible stories about life in earlier times. Especially now in summer, the setting is simply magical. You can really immerse yourself in a journey through time ...

Garten mit Teich

Trips into nature

But of course you don't have to drive to discover the sights around our Zugspitz Resort. When the sun is shining, we want to be outside the most! And that can be perfectly combined with a family outing.

We definitely recommend that you visit the Alpine Zoo in Innsbruck. There you will meet all the animals that live in the Alpine region: From sweet marmots and industrious beavers to the mighty bears. By the way, their names at Innsbruck Zoo are Martina and Fritz! So you can imagine right away.

A tour through the ghost gorge in Leutasch is no ordinary hike. You should know that many legendary creatures live here in the mountains. Rumour has it that the gorge above the waterfall in the beautiful Leutasch Valley is home to ghosts and other creepy characters. If you wander through the gorge, who knows? Maybe one or the other of the inhabitants will show up.

Kind das zeichnet

Bad weather? No problem!

Sometimes, unfortunately, the weather gods don't play with us in Tyrol the way we would like. But don't worry, with the colourful family activity programme there are no bad-weather boredom days!

Thank goodness for DIDI. Our Zugspitz mascot always comes up with something for you. In the kids' club you can let off steam on the climbing wall or in the colourful ball pool. Meanwhile, the artists among you can paint with our many crayons and watercolours. And we also like to have an indoor picnic or barbecue some delicious sausages together.

Just take a look at our website. You're sure to find the right offer for your family holiday!

See you soon.

Nothing you can't do around the Zugspitze!


Hängebrücke in Reutte
Die Hängebrücke Highline179 im Tibetstyle